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Learn Craps in a Casino

Craps is a game  Slotxo of chance. The roll of the dice or the toss of the dice decide a persons outcome. Players learn and practice many different bets to improve their odds of winning. Avoiding the common mistakes and making only the bets that offer the best odds is the only way these players will be successful.

The worst bet in craps is none other then the pass line bet. Craps experts have known for years that the best bet in craps is the pass line bet. The shooter can be a player or machine so the odds are the same for both. The difference is the moneyline. When the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 it is called a 'natural' and the game will continue. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 it is called a 'craps' and the game is over.

Players can bet on other numbers such as odds, evens, red, black, 1-18, or 19-36. This is called proposition bets and there are many of them on the table. The odds for these bets are 4:1. For example, a $5 bet on Odd or Even, $10 bet on Black, $20 bet on 1-18, $30 bet on 19-36, $50 bet on Red, $100 bet on Column Bets, and $200 bet on the 2, 3 and 12.

Some online casinos will allow you to take double odds on the pass line bet. For example, a $5 pass line bet can be turned into a $10 pass line bet with double odds. All bets must still be on the Pass Line though. This is one of the loopholes that serious craps players ignore. When you are playing online you don't see the dealers' cards, therefore you aren't distracted and you can focus more on the table. A double odds bet on the pass line is awfully close to doubling your odds on a come bet.

Any craps bet can be odds or evens, depending on the situation. The fact is that about 75% of craps bets are probably losses for the player. This is because of the house advantage. If you bet a pass line bet and the shooter rolls a 7 you lose $10 ($5 pass line plus $5 odds). If the shooter rolls a 2 or 3 you will lose a little more than the pass line bet, and if he rolls a 12 you will lose a lot more.

On the other hand, if you're a fan of the come-out roll, you could play a line bet and make a profit. Our friend Bob Dancer in New York City makes a living playing craps at the Foxwoods Resort in Connecticut. He has taken it from a break-even to a point that he is now a self-made millionaire. He was a blackjack dealer and turned the tables to craps to make a living out of it.

Playing the pass line bet will pay out if the shooter rolls a 7 or 11. The reason for the payout is the same as a parlay bet. If you put the shooter and $50 on the pass line and the shooter rolls a 7, you win $50. He comes out with a 2, 3, or 12 and you lose $2 to the house. If he comes out with a 7 or 11, you will win $50 and he loses $2 to the house. The house advantage is 2.70%.

The odds for the pass line bet are 9:1, so if you make a $5 pass line bet, you will win $150, and lose $50 for a total payoff of $100. If the shooter rolls a 2, 3, or 12 you will win $200 for a total payoff of $300. The same goes for the odds bet.

The difference is in the odds you can take. The hard way bets that are the highest are the ones with the most potential for a win. Because of the higher odds, the house isn't going to win as much money as they would if the odds were lower. That's why the house tries to control the odds of the game, it wants to keep people playing. If you really want to make a profit, all you have to do is bet the hard way bets, the same way the casino does.

The pass line bet is the one with the least house advantage. The house edge is only around 2%, which is much lower than the house advantage at the blackjack table. This is one of the reasons that single deck blackjack is so profitable to the experienced card counter. Unlike the multi-deck version, you don't have to deal with two decks of cards. You only have to deal with one deck, which means you can count more cards and therefore improve your odds of winning.

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