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Let's find out the most important thing. Without which the list of popular online casinos could not have been compiled. Namely, let's analyze the importance of a license in an online casino. But first, a little history. Not so long ago, there were 99% of online casinos without a license on the Russian-speaking Internet. And that 1% was represented by foreign brands. Who dared to enter our market. But as you know, players now prefer exclusively licensed casinos. What has changed over the years?

In fact, there are several factors. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most important of them:

rating of the best online casinos with good returns Casino streaming has appeared. When the players began to broadcast their games live, they chose the licensed projects for the game. In which it was possible to win. And in which there was a large selection of slot machines. Thus, casino streamers have greatly popularized licensed casinos;

There are many more players. Since 2009, the number of Internet users has increased significantly. This means that the number of players has also grown. Resources appeared on which people shared their opinions about the game in a particular casino. And then the players just got tired of the eternal deception. They started blacklisting casinos. And they willingly shared it among themselves. At the same time, the online casino market was actively developing in the West. As a result of competition, many more high-quality projects with a license entered the Russian market. Thus, high-quality brands with a worldwide reputation have set the bar for quality. Now the regulars of online casinos have understood a simple truth - there can be no good casino without a license;

Blogs of casino gamblers emerged. They also praised licensed casinos all over the place.
Step by step, the number of licensed online casinos grew. And projects without a license, having scripted (fake) slot machines, decreased. This trend has continued to this day. Even in spite of the fact that there is a group of people who continue to search for script casinos. Such as casino Vulcan, Azino and others like that. At the same time, stepping on the same rake again and again. For such people, a list of licensed casinos was created. But all the casinos on the site are licensed.

Over the past 10 years, the number of scripted casinos has dropped dramatically. Now players prefer only licensed casinos. And they only want to play modern slot machines. Which have passed the laboratory test of the recoil rate.


Unfortunately, there are many fraudulent projects on the Internet today. Who disguise their casino as a licensed one. At the same time, fully or partially forging licensed slot machines. So it becomes difficult to recognize a dishonest casino. Especially for those new to the online casino world.


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